"Achieving more together - for the social-ecological transformation of Berlin and a government that cooperates with the city's movements!"
Acute crises like the Corona pandemic and the Ukraine war are a burning glass for the societal challenges we will struggle with in the coming decades. The effects of climate change, capitalism, authoritarianism and global inequality are also felt in our cities. Polarisation and social division along identitarian lines are becoming more and more obvious.
Berlin has also changed a lot over the last few years. Many of us can barely afford to live here. This is especially true for the professions that keep our system running (not only during the pandemic). Radical change is needed if we want to live in a just society that does not rob itself of its own foundations.
The discomfort with political representation and the lack of political power is also expressed in the fact that more and more people are getting involved in initiatives, thinking and shaping in the local and criticising disadvantageous infrastructures, housing conditions and discrimination.
In Berlin, there are many local civil society initiatives that develop concrete projects and solutions from below. We ask ourselves: How can we broaden and connect them to achieve more together? How can we push through the fundamental change that so many want but which is not being achieved individually?
The re-run of the elections to the Berlin House of Representatives offers an opportunity to discuss and develop together the ideas of a city of movements. It is an occasion to come together and formulate common demands.
But resistant politics does not stop after the elections. We also want to become a platform that gives Berliners, with or without the right to vote, the power to transform our Berlin into a social, ecological and just city. There are so many ideas on how to make Berlin better and more just - let's join forces to implement them!
The indignados of the 15-M movement in Spain reacted to the inadequate handling of the 2008 global financial crisis by occupying squares and demanding new policies. This gave rise to new municipalist platforms in Barcelona (Barcelona en Comú), Madrid (Ahora Madrid) and many other cities that are now city governments and models of progressive politics at the local level. Whether on climate change, urban social development or welcoming people with refugee experience, cities and municipalities are flying the flag, driving positive change and influencing policy.
The driving force behind these political movements are local initiatives that advocate for more citizen participation, fair wages and good working conditions, a right to the city and affordable housing in liveable neighbourhoods, sustainable mobility and economic management, and access for refugees and illegal immigrants to urban infrastructures of general interest and much more. In cities and municipalities, citizens can directly influence institutions and feel positive changes more quickly. This is why the municipal level is an ideal space for participatory politics, which can mitigate the current exclusion policies of the federal government and provide an alternative.
More information on the English and Spanish language site: https://fearlesscities.com/en
We want to bring together initiatives and committed people, because Berlin is ripe for new forms of political co-determination, design and representation. Get in touch at kontakt@munizipalismus-berlin.com
Election day on 26.9.2021 showed that people are not deterred by the social and ecological transformation of the city that has been initiated. Unlike in the federal government, the government work of the last five years of the red-red-green coalition was not voted out of office, but the Berliners allowed the party alliance to grow: from 52.4% in 2016 to 54.7% in 2021. Only the weights have shifted slightly towards the green.
This is a clear announcement and a call to form a coalition in this constellation. Such a coalition can act stronger and tackle the necessary changes: maintain and create affordable housing, enable climate-friendly mobility, further develop social infrastructures. But it can only do so in close cooperation with social movements and civil society initiatives. These actors bring in the necessary reference to reality and they can integrate impulses from below into the processes in a way that politics often fails to do.
From the point of view of social movements, the socio-ecological transformation has certainly not been sufficiently advanced in the past 5 years. But only the continuation of a red-green-red coalition makes it seem possible to continue on this path and to implement the concerns of the diverse social movements.
The solidarity of Berliners with the strikes for better working conditions in Berlin hospitals, with the Fridays for Future mass demonstrations, the broad protests against the rampant rent madness and the displacement of self-organised (cultural) spaces have already shown the will of the people. In addition, the brilliant success of the referendum on the expropriation of Deutsche Wohnen & Co has clearly shown that the absolute majority of Berliners of more than 56%, in the eastern and western parts as well as in the inner and outer districts of the city, no longer fall for the neoliberal promises embodied by the FDP and CDU.
The challenges facing Berlin are huge. They can only be solved if we succeed in organising a productive interplay between those in power with the movements and the urban society. This requires a new quality of governance, democratised structures and open decision-making processes to achieve better cooperation with civil society forces.
A broad civil society alliance and their allies in Berlin politics call on the Berlin leaders of the Social Democratic Party of Germany, Bündnis 90/Die Grünen and Die Linke to act according to the vote of the majority of Berliners and to jointly tackle a new start for Berlin. Only in this way can an intensified cooperation between government and social movements be made possible. And: Anything else cannot be communicated to the people of Berlin.
The development of our beloved city of Berlin must finally become a social-ecological community project.
Initial signatories:
Initiatives, organisations, groups:
AG Migration und Vielfalt der SPD Neukölln
Arbeitskreis Munizipalismus Berlin
Autofreier Wrangelkiez
Bewohnerinnen des Hausprojektes ‚Villa Felix‘
Betroffenenrat Lehrter Straße
Bizim Kiez – Unser Kiez
BI "Altes Wasserwerk Tegel"
Changing Cities
Decidim Berlin
Eine für Alle eG
Fachausschuss Europa der SPD Berlin
Freunde des Mauerparks e.V.
Gleimviertel für alle
Hausgemeinschaft Sanderstrasse11
Initiative 100% Tempelhofer Feld
Initiative Bucht für Alle
Initiative Bundesplatz e.V.
Initiative Schwarzer Menschen in Deutschland (Berlin)
Initiative Stadt Neudenken
Initiative Urbane Praxis
Initiative zu Erhalt der Eisfabrik
KiezConnect e.V.
Kollektiv Raumstation Berlin
Kotti & Co
Kulturhof Kolonie10
Mieterbeirat Karl-Marx-Allee
Netzwerk #200Häuser
Netzwerk Berliner Mietshäusersyndikats-Initiativen
Omas for Future Berlin
Omas gegen Rechts Berlin
Rat für die Künste Berlin
Areal Ratiborstraße 14 e.V.
Sozialbündnis Alt Treptow
Schillerkiezini "Schillers Straßen für alle"
Seebrücke Berlin
Urbane Liga - Jugendforum Stadtentwicklung
Vorstand des Uferhallen e.V.
Wiesenburg e.V. / Die Wiesenburg Berlin eG i.G.
Wohntraum e.V.
ZK/U - Zentrum für Kunst und Urbanistik
ZUsammenKUNFT Berlin eG
Alena Biegert (SPD Rixdorf)
Alexander Behm (id22: Institut für kreative Nachhaltigkeit)
Aljoscha Hofmann (Stadt Neudenken / Think Berl!n)
Amelie Piepenbring, SPD Rixdorf
Prof. Dr. Anna Steigemann (Institut für Architektur/TU Berlin, CITAS/ Universität Regensburg)
Andreas Barthelmes
Andreas Foidl (Belius GmbH, Kernraum UG, StadtNeudenken e. V.)
Andreas Krüger (Belius GmbH, Kernraum UG, StadtNeudenken e. V.)
Prof. Arno Brandlhuber (Architekt)
Dr. Anja Meyerrose
Antja Marx
Ayşe Demir (Vorstandssprecherin Türkischer Bund in Berlin-Brandenburg)
Barbara Schmelz
Bernd Fox
Birgit Möller
Boris Hekele (Initiative Karlsgartenkiez)
Brigitte Kallmann (Co-Sprecherin der AG Klima & Ökologie Bündnis 90/Die Grünen Friedrichshain Kreuzberg)
Carola Aurer, SPD Rixdorf
Christian Schöningh (Die Zusammenarbeiter Gesellschaft von Architekten mbh)
Christoph Trautvetter
Clemens Weise (Kollektiv Raumstation Berlin/ZUsammenKUNFT eG)
Cléo Mieulet (Transformation Haus und Feld)
Corinna Sy
Cornelia Steinbock (SPD Rixdorf)
Daphne Büllesbach
Dominik Gach (SPD Rixdorf)
Dr. Johanna Sonnenburg (Initiative Stadt Neudenken)
Dr. Martin Schwegmann (Initiative StadtNeudenken)
Eberhard Zeussel (Ingenieur)
Prof. Dr. Elise v. Bernstorff
Ephraim Gothe (SPD-Mitte)
Eva Hertzsch & Adam Page (Künstler*innen)
Felix S. Schulz (Landessprecher Linksjugend ['solid] Berlin)
Felix Lackus
Florian Schmidt (Aktivist, Grüne Xhain)
Frank Meyer (SPD-Mitglied Kreisverband Spandau)
Frank Bertermann (Fraktion Bündnis 90 / Die Grünen in der BVV-Mitte)
Iver Ohm (Hidden Institute)
Jakob Turtur (Jonny Knüppel Kollektiv sowie den diskoBabel e.V. (gemeinnützig))
Janine Sack (IBeB)
Johannes Kup (SPD Rixdorf)
Johann-Henrich Drünert
Juliane Witt, Bezirksstadträtin (Die Linke)
Katrin Lompscher (Senatorin aD, Linke)
Katrin Schmidberger (Grüne Xhain)
Kerstin Karge
Kilian Wegner (SPD Berlin-Mitte)
Klemens Griesehop (KV Pankow Die Grünen)
Laura Bruns (Team stadtstattstrand)
Lennart Siebert (Belius GmbH, Kernraum UG, StadtNeudenken e. V.)
Leon Ninow (SPD Rixdorf)
Lisa Jaspers (FOLKDAYS, #fairbylaw)
Lukas Littmann (Vorsitzender Kreisverband Jusos Berlin-Mitte)
Magnus Hengge (Stadtprojekte eV, Bizim Kiez)
Maria Muñoz Duyos (Parkakademie: Labor für Stadtentwicklung und urbane (Re)Habilitation)
Mareike Spendel (Vorkaufsrat XHain)
Martin Burth (SPD-Bezirksverordneter in Charlottenburg – Wilmersdorf)
Martin Fussenegger
Matthias Spissinger
Melf Sutter (SPD Rixdorf)
Melis Yeter (SPD Berlin-Mitte)
Michael LaFond (id22: Institut für kreative Nachhaltigkeit)
Miriam Siglreitmaier (Vorsitzende Kreisverband Jusos Berlin-Mitte)
Moritz Warnke (Landesvorstand LINKE Berlin)
Myoung-Le Seo (SPD Rixdorf)
Nadja Jungmann
Natascha Schoenaich
Remzi Uyguner (Vorstandsmitglied Türkischer Bund in Berlin Brandenburg)
Rocco Zühlke (Bauhütte Kreuzberg e.V. open Berlin e.V.)
Romy Krämer (Guerrilla Foundation)
Dr. Sabine Kroner (Rat für die Künste/AG Urbane Praxis)
Sabine Scheffer
Sandy Kaltenborn (image-shift / Kotti & Co)
Sarah Swantje Fischer (Fotografin)
Stefan Thimmel
Siegfried Vix
Sybille Uken
Till Baumann
Timo Schramm (SPD Rixdorf)
Tina Müller
Tobias Wolf (Bündnis 90/Die Grünen Xhain)
Thomas Schmitt
Uta Staroste (Initiative Karlsgartenkiez)
Wenke Christoph (Linke Berlin)
Werner Heck (Bezirksverordneter BVV Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg (Bündnis 90 / Die Grünen)
Werner Landwehr
Wolfgang Mahnke (MieterWerkStadt Charlottenburg)
Yannick Brugger (Bezirksverordneter der VI. Wahlperiode Fraktion Bündnis 90/Die Grünen)
Yvonne Salazar
@ Munizipalismus Berlin, 2021
"Achieving more together - for the social-ecological transformation of Berlin and a government that cooperates with the city's movements!"
Acute crises like the Corona pandemic and the Ukraine war are a burning glass for the societal challenges we will struggle with in the coming decades. The effects of climate change, capitalism, authoritarianism and global inequality are also felt in our cities. Polarisation and social division along identitarian lines are becoming more and more obvious.
Berlin has also changed a lot over the last few years. Many of us can barely afford to live here. This is especially true for the professions that keep our system running (not only during the pandemic). Radical change is needed if we want to live in a just society that does not rob itself of its own foundations.
The discomfort with political representation and the lack of political power is also expressed in the fact that more and more people are getting involved in initiatives, thinking and shaping in the local and criticising disadvantageous infrastructures, housing conditions and discrimination.
In Berlin, there are many local civil society initiatives that develop concrete projects and solutions from below. We ask ourselves: How can we broaden and connect them to achieve more together? How can we push through the fundamental change that so many want but which is not being achieved individually?
The re-run of the elections to the Berlin House of Representatives offers an opportunity to discuss and develop together the ideas of a city of movements. It is an occasion to come together and formulate common demands.
But resistant politics does not stop after the elections. We also want to become a platform that gives Berliners, with or without the right to vote, the power to transform our Berlin into a social, ecological and just city. There are so many ideas on how to make Berlin better and more just - let's join forces to implement them!
The indignados of the 15-M movement in Spain reacted to the inadequate handling of the 2008 global financial crisis by occupying squares and demanding new policies. This gave rise to new municipalist platforms in Barcelona (Barcelona en Comú), Madrid (Ahora Madrid) and many other cities that are now city governments and models of progressive politics at the local level. Whether on climate change, urban social development or welcoming people with refugee experience, cities and municipalities are flying the flag, driving positive change and influencing policy.
The driving force behind these political movements are local initiatives that advocate for more citizen participation, fair wages and good working conditions, a right to the city and affordable housing in liveable neighbourhoods, sustainable mobility and economic management, and access for refugees and illegal immigrants to urban infrastructures of general interest and much more. In cities and municipalities, citizens can directly influence institutions and feel positive changes more quickly. This is why the municipal level is an ideal space for participatory politics, which can mitigate the current exclusion policies of the federal government and provide an alternative.
More information on the English and Spanish language site: https://fearlesscities.com/en
We want to bring together initiatives and committed people, because Berlin is ripe for new forms of political co-determination, design and representation. Get in touch at kontakt@munizipalismus-berlin.com
Election day on 26.9.2021 showed that people are not deterred by the social and ecological transformation of the city that has been initiated. Unlike in the federal government, the government work of the last five years of the red-red-green coalition was not voted out of office, but the Berliners allowed the party alliance to grow: from 52.4% in 2016 to 54.7% in 2021. Only the weights have shifted slightly towards the green.
This is a clear announcement and a call to form a coalition in this constellation. Such a coalition can act stronger and tackle the necessary changes: maintain and create affordable housing, enable climate-friendly mobility, further develop social infrastructures. But it can only do so in close cooperation with social movements and civil society initiatives. These actors bring in the necessary reference to reality and they can integrate impulses from below into the processes in a way that politics often fails to do.
From the point of view of social movements, the socio-ecological transformation has certainly not been sufficiently advanced in the past 5 years. But only the continuation of a red-green-red coalition makes it seem possible to continue on this path and to implement the concerns of the diverse social movements.
The solidarity of Berliners with the strikes for better working conditions in Berlin hospitals, with the Fridays for Future mass demonstrations, the broad protests against the rampant rent madness and the displacement of self-organised (cultural) spaces have already shown the will of the people. In addition, the brilliant success of the referendum on the expropriation of Deutsche Wohnen & Co has clearly shown that the absolute majority of Berliners of more than 56%, in the eastern and western parts as well as in the inner and outer districts of the city, no longer fall for the neoliberal promises embodied by the FDP and CDU.
The challenges facing Berlin are huge. They can only be solved if we succeed in organising a productive interplay between those in power with the movements and the urban society. This requires a new quality of governance, democratised structures and open decision-making processes to achieve better cooperation with civil society forces.
A broad civil society alliance and their allies in Berlin politics call on the Berlin leaders of the Social Democratic Party of Germany, Bündnis 90/Die Grünen and Die Linke to act according to the vote of the majority of Berliners and to jointly tackle a new start for Berlin. Only in this way can an intensified cooperation between government and social movements be made possible. And: Anything else cannot be communicated to the people of Berlin.
The development of our beloved city of Berlin must finally become a social-ecological community project.
Initial signatories:
Initiatives, organisations, groups:
AG Migration und Vielfalt der SPD Neukölln
Arbeitskreis Munizipalismus Berlin
Autofreier Wrangelkiez
Betroffenenrat Lehrter Straße
Bewohnerinnen des Hausprojektes ‚Villa Felix‘
Bizim Kiez – Unser Kiez
BI "Altes Wasserwerk Tegel"
Changing Cities
Decidim Berlin
Eine für Alle eG
Fachausschuss Europa der SPD Berlin
Freunde des Mauerparks e.V.
Gleimviertel für alle
Hausgemeinschaft Sanderstrasse11
Initiative 100% Tempelhofer Feld
Initiative Bucht für Alle
Initiative Bundesplatz e.V.
Initiative Schwarzer Menschen in Deutschland (Berlin)
Initiative Stadt Neudenken
Initiative zu Erhalt der Eisfabrik
Initiative Urbane Praxis
KiezConnect e.V.
Kotti & Co
Kollektiv Raumstation Berlin
Kulturhof Kolonie10
Mieterbeirat Karl-Marx-Allee
Netzwerk #200Häuser
Netzwerk Berliner Mietshäusersyndikats-Initiativen
Omas for Future Berlin
Omas gegen Rechts Berlin
Rat für die Künste Berlin
Areal Ratiborstraße 14 e.V.
Seebrücke Berlin
Sozialbündnis Alt Treptow
Schillerkiezini "Schillers Straßen für alle"
Urbane Liga - Jugendforum Stadtentwicklung
Vorstand des Uferhallen e.V.
Wiesenburg e.V. / Die Wiesenburg Berlin eG i.G.
Wohntraum e.V.
ZK/U - Zentrum für Kunst und Urbanistik
ZUsammenKUNFT Berlin eG
Alena Biegert (SPD Rixdorf)
Aljoscha Hofmann (Stadt Neudenken / Think Berl!n)
Alexander Behm (id22: Institut für kreative Nachhaltigkeit)
Amelie Piepenbring, SPD Rixdorf
Andreas Barthelmes
Andreas Foidl (Belius GmbH, Kernraum UG, StadtNeudenken e. V.)
Andreas Krüger (Belius GmbH, Kernraum UG, StadtNeudenken e. V.)
Dr. Anja Meyerrose
Antja Marx
Prof. Arno Brandlhuber (Architekt)
Ayşe Demir (Vorstandssprecherin Türkischer Bund in Berlin-Brandenburg)
Barbara Schmelz
Bernd Fox
Birgit Möller
Boris Hekele (Initiative Karlsgartenkiez)
Brigitte Kallmann (Co-Sprecherin der AG Klima & Ökologie Bündnis 90/Die Grünen Friedrichshain Kreuzberg)
Carola Aurer, SPD Rixdorf
Cléo Mieulet (Transformation Haus und Feld)
Christian Schöningh (Die Zusammenarbeiter Gesellschaft von Architekten mbh)
Christoph Trautvetter
Clemens Weise (Kollektiv Raumstation Berlin/ZUsammenKUNFT eG)
Cornelia Steinbock (SPD Rixdorf)
Corinna Sy
Dominik Gach (SPD Rixdorf)
Dr. Johanna Sonnenburg (Initiative Stadt Neudenken)
Martin Burth (SPD-Bezirksverordneter in Charlottenburg – Wilmersdorf)
Dr. Martin Schwegmann (Initiative StadtNeudenken)
Eberhard Zeussel (Ingenieur)
Prof. Dr. Elise v. Bernstorff
Ephraim Gothe (SPD-Mitte)
Eva Hertzsch & Adam Page (Künstler*innen)
Florian Schmidt (Aktivist, Grüne Xhain)
Frank Meyer (SPD-Mitglied Kreisverband Spandau)
Frank Bertermann (Fraktion Bündnis 90 / Die Grünen in der BVV-Mitte)
Felix Lackus
Felix S. Schulz (Landessprecher Linksjugend ['solid] Berlin)
Iver Ohm (Hidden Institute)
Jakob Turtur (Jonny Knüppel Kollektiv sowie den diskoBabel e.V. (gemeinnützig))
Janine Sack (IBeB)
Johannes Kup (SPD Rixdorf)
Johann-Henrich Drünert
Juliane Witt, Bezirksstadträtin (Die Linke)
Katrin Lompscher (Senatorin aD, Linke)
Katrin Schmidberger (Grüne Xhain)
Kerstin Karge
Kilian Wegner (SPD Berlin-Mitte)
Klemens Griesehop (KV Pankow Die Grünen)
Lennart Siebert (Belius GmbH, Kernraum UG, StadtNeudenken e. V.)
Leon Ninow (SPD Rixdorf)
Laura Bruns (Team Stadtstattstrand)
Lisa Jaspers (FOLKDAYS, #fairbylaw)
Lukas Littmann (Vorsitzender Kreisverband Jusos Berlin-Mitte)
Mareike Spendel (Vorkaufsrat XHain)
Maria Muñoz Duyos (Parkakademie: Labor für Stadtentwicklung und urbane (Re)Habilitation)
Magnus Hengge (Stadtprojekte eV, Bizim Kiez)
Martin Fussenegger
Matthias Spissinger
Melf Sutter (SPD Rixdorf)
Melis Yeter (SPD Berlin-Mitte)
Michael LaFond (id22: Institut für kreative Nachhaltigkeit)
Miriam Siglreitmaier (Vorsitzende Kreisverband Jusos Berlin-Mitte)
Myoung-Le Seo (SPD Rixdorf)
Nadja Jungmann
Natascha Schoenaich
Remzi Uyguner (Vorstandsmitglied Türkischer Bund in Berlin Brandenburg)
Rocco Zühlke (Bauhütte Kreuzberg e.V. open Berlin e.V.)
Romy Krämer (Guerrilla Foundation)
Dr. Sabine Kroner (Rat für die Künste/AG Urbane Praxis)
Sabine Scheffer
Sandy Kaltenborn (image-shift / Kotti & Co)
Sarah Swantje Fischer (Fotografin)
Stefan Thimmel
Siegfried Vix
Sybille Uken
Tina Müller
Timo Schramm (SPD Rixdorf)
Till Baumann
Thomas Schmitt
Tobias Wolf (Bündnis 90/Die Grünen Xhain)
Uta Staroste (Initiative Karlsgartenkiez)
Wenke Christoph (Linke Berlin)
Werner Heck (Bezirksverordneter BVV Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg (Bündnis 90 / Die Grünen)
Werner Landwehr
Wolfgang Mahnke (MieterWerkStadt Charlottenburg)
Yannick Brugger (Bezirksverordneter der VI. Wahlperiode Fraktion Bündnis 90/Die Grünen)
Yvonne Salazar
@ Munizipalismus Berlin, 2021